August 24, 2022 (Wednesday)
You'd think that people of faith would (or should) be
walking around singing "Everything is Awesome" all the time, based on
how some preachers portray it. I’ve got news for you: it ain’t happening. As if
needing to cut off a poisonous myth, Hebrews lists the first person of faith as
Abel. Abel was murdered because of his faith.
We read, "By faith Abel offered a better sacrifice to God than
Cain, which showed that he was righteous, since God gave approval to him for
his gift. Though he died, he’s still speaking through faith." [Hebrews 11:4 CEB] We are transported back to the
second generation of humanity. We see two brothers. Abel demonstrated faith
while Cain did not. For a closer look, we need to examine the story in Genesis
Here are the facts: "In the course of time Cain brought to the Lord an
offering of the fruit of the ground, and Abel also brought of the
firstborn of his flock and of their fat portions." [Genesis 4:3
– 4a ESV] Cain was a farmer. That’s hard work, so it makes sense he would bring
the work of his hand. Abel, on the other hand, brought the best of his flock.
Notice the difference. Abel brought the best, Cain brought an offering. Also
notice that Abel brought a "blood sacrifice." This would have been in
line with the precedent God established when He made clothing of animal skin to
cover Adam and Eve’s nakedness (dealing with the shame and separation it
The point is that Abel brought a gift that was costly and in
line with God’s desire. Cain brought a gift. The result: "The Lord looked favorably on Abel and his
sacrifice but didn’t look favorably on Cain and his sacrifice." [Genesis 4:4b – 5a CEB] This begins the first
"war" over religion.
At this point, Cain had a choice. We read, "Cain became
very angry and looked resentful." [Genesis
4:5b CEB] Instead of bringing his attitude and behavior in line with God’s
expectations, he became angry at his brother. Resentment built up and he
murdered Abel (see Genesis 4:8). We still see humans fighting over what they
think is the right way to worship God. The trouble is, when we think we are
right, that is where Cain was when he resorted to physical violence. The
question is not how WE want to worship God. If we ask the wrong question, we
will always get the wrong answer. The question is how God expects us to worship
God warned Cain, “If you do the right thing, won’t you be accepted? But if you
don’t do the right thing, sin will be waiting at the door ready to strike! It
will entice you, but you must rule over it.”
[Genesis 4:7 CEB] The word picture God paints is that sin is a predator
stalking us. Another way to translate this is, “Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control
you.” [NLT]
What do we experience in our world? When we give in to sin, it rules us. The natural progression moves its victim to violence (physical, emotional, and spiritual) against others, especially people of faith. Anyone notice how, as we throw open the floodgates of everything unnatural and evil, people are becoming more and more murderous? Even governments are getting in on the action.
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