
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

How to have devotions #3

January 26, 2022 (Wednesday)


We are considering how to have devotions. Devotional time comes from the cry of the heart. The hunger and thirsting to know God. There are several motivations indicated in Psalm 19. Let’s dig in.


In verse seven we find, “reviving the soul.” Even if you do not want to admit this; live is soul sucking. It is like the big stores that hire psychologists to place color and product in such a way to drain energy and break down resistance. We need healthy reviving found in listen and speaking to God in our personal devotions.


Also in verse seven, “making wise the simple.” Be honest, we can be naïve concerning the things of God. Sometimes this comes from the circumstances, other times due to willful neglect. Thus, we need wisdom concerning our circumstance. Willful neglect is no excuse. It is okay to start ignorant. It is NOT okay to stay ignorant.


In verse eight, we read, “rejoicing the heart.” Along with the soul sucking grind of life comes a natural weight that drags us down. I think there are occasions God allows us to feel this, to motivate us and remind us of what is at stake in the battle of our souls. It also inspires empathy towards those who are struggling.


Verse eight also states, “enlightening the eyes.” What we see with our eyes need interpretation. There is a saying, “everything looks different in the light.” Candle flickers used to give the impression of demons dancing in the shadows of our peripheral vision and imaginations. But, the light is Jesus’ territory… a place the demons dare not tread. Jesus, speaking to Paul commissioned him, “to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’” [Acts 26:18 ESV]


In verse ten our value system is challenged, “More to be desired are they than gold.” What we value on earth is only pavement in Heaven. God’s Word is more precious than the things we value because it has the ability to change our eternal destiny. It has the potential for changing the future trajectory of the world.


In verse eleven we learn, “by them is your servant warned.” When I was learning to drive in Pennsylvania, the roads were riddled with potholes. Some were harmless, others could destroy a car. In one of the more dangerous ones, someone put their used Christmas tree… as a warning. The other day, a truck flashed a warning as I was about to head around a corner. In the middle of the road was a large garbage bag, who know what it was full of but I avoided the discovery thanks to the warning.


Personal devotions is our “heads up.” Refreshing and joy comes from a right relationship with God. Sin plunges us into darkness and makes us stupid. Personal time with God shines light in our lives and causes us to shine God’s light through us. (see Exodus 34:29, Acts 6:15, 2 Corinthians 3:18)

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