December 20, 2021 (Monday0
Reading Paul is like reading a theology book in every sentence.
As we head into the “home stretch” for Christmas, the key question is who is
Jesus? Paul begins a very deep and dense theological discussion in Colossians
1:15, “He is the
image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.” [ESV]
In America we have a saying when someone looks like some
else, “the spitting image.” It means the person is “the exact double” (Oxford).
This mirrors what Jesus said, “…Whoever has seen
me has seen the Father….” [John 14:9b ESV] I doubt Paul or Jesus
meant the physical image. Since “God is spirit” (see John 4:24), the verse is referring
to the character, nature, and substance of the Father and Son are identical.
The image of “firstborn,” in the Greek is necessarily
understood as birth order. Instead, it refers to importance. The meaning is NOT
that Jesus is a created being. Paul adds clarity, “For by him all things were created, in heaven
and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or
authorities—all things were created through him and for him.” [Colossians 1:16 ESV] The key words which hold the
meaning of this verse together are “by,” “through,” and “for.”
All things in the physical and spiritual realms are created
BY Jesus points to Jesus unquestionable divinity. Everything was created
THROUGH Jesus distinguishes the rolls of the Father and Son. Everything exists
FOR the purpose of bring glory to Jesus, who in turn brings glory to the Father!
Consider the image we have of Jesus laying in a manger
(feeding trough). We consider birth a beginning, yet Paul claims, “And he is before
all things, and in him all things hold together.” [Colossians 1:17 ESV] This puts a spin on our
understanding of beginning/end and birth/death. For us birth was the beginning
of Jesus’ physical existence but not the beginning of His existence. When Jesus
died, it was the transition of His earthly physical existence into His eternal
physical state.
Back to the baby laying in a manger… consider this: in the
most helpless and vulnerable human form, Jesus was still holding all things
Consider the reason for the season. I like the sentiment
that Jesus is the reason. Yet, there is something deeper and denser at work
than a simple meme. If you know me, I like to connect the birth of Jesus with
His work on the cross AND the reality of Jesus return in all His glory. But, Christmas
(the cross, and the return) have a running theme: “…making peace by the blood of his cross.” [Colossians 1:20c ESV]
Peace is not something humans will ever achieve, until Jesus
returns. Peace is something individuals can ever achieve, except “by the blood
of his cross.” Peace is only a dream, until you bring your broken and wounded
heart to the manger and fall down and worship Him.
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