
Friday, October 01, 2021

James 4:5 - 7 (Path to victory or peace?)

October 1, 2021 (Friday)


 There is a war, within every one of us. On one side we have God, who loves us and wants the best for us. On the other side is our sinful nature fueled by the demonic. James 4:5 states, “Or do you suppose it is to no purpose that the Scripture says, “He yearns jealously over the spirit that he has made to dwell in us”?” [ESV]


Two verses later, James defines our path to victory, “Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will run away from you.” [James 4:6 CEB] It is really a two-step process. First, submit to God. Only after that can we effectively resist the devil. In American culture the concept of submission is evil, perverted, or taboo. Benjamin Franklin, when describing an American, stated we would rather die on our feet than live on our knees. The very heart of our culture demands that we yield to nobody. Our battle cry is “you can’t make me!”


I’ve said before, my observation is that people tend to have “one thing” that stands between them and God. It’s almost like God allows us to face something that questions our love for Him. Possibly at the core is the unwillingness to completely surrender to God. It is the ugly pet we keep in the locked closet. This becomes the gate for the devil.


Is absolute submission the real demand in this verse? How complete does the submission have to be? Before I get to that, there is a tool that we find wedged between James 4:5 and James 4:7. Check it out, “But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” [James 4:6 ESV] Grace is a theological word I’m not sure we understand. Did you know Jesus never spoke about grace?


The idea in the Greek is “he gives greater grace.” (Meaning larger and stronger.) But larger and stronger than what? The only thing I can think of is this grace is greater than the war and its details we face. Do you think it’s odd that James throws in the bit about God opposing the proud at this point? Think about it. Pride or the results of pride has been a running theme in James’ letter. The word translated “opposes” is an old military term for waging war (Vincent).


We have two intensely negative images used to describe God. He is fiercely jealous for us. He is waring against our pride. This kind of makes God out to be a stalker of some sort, or maybe a parent that loves their child. As long as we are hanging on to ourselves we will never heal from the damage of sin, the demonic will always have a foot in the door, and a self-destructive war will continue to rage.


Maybe God does not JUST want victory for us. Maybe God wants for us to be at peace, despite the war raging inside us. That happens through a grace greater than anything we are facing. That happens through the simple act of submitting to this grace. It’s kind of like when we melt into the love someone has for us.


How do we melt into the love of God? Stay tuned for next time…

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